8-4 Reading Guide Name _____________________________

1. Most Traits are Not Controlled by Simple __________________________
2. When several genes influence a trait, the trait is ______________________
3. Give two examples of polygenic traits: _______________________________
4. Give an example of incomplete dominance: ____________________________
5. Give an example of codominance: ___________________________________
6. Explain the difference between incomplete dominance & codominance.
7. What is a multiple allele: _________________________________________
Give an example: ______________________________________________
8. What are the four blood types possible in humans: _____________________
9. How does the color of hydrangea depend on the environment?
10. How does the fur color of Siamese cats depend on the environment?
11. What human trait is influenced by environment? _______________________
12. Some Traits Are Caused by _______________________
13. Why are most bald people men? ___________________________________
14. What is a mutation? ___________________________________________

15. Sketch the shape of blood cells
of people that have sickle cell anemia
and normal blood cells.


16. Why does the shape of the blood cell cause problems?
17. What advantage do people with the heterozygous condition for sickle cell anemia have? ___________________________________________________
18. What is hemophilia? ___________________________________________
19. What are the symptoms of Huntington's disease?
20. What is genetic counseling? _____________________________________
21. What would happen to a baby if PKU was not diagnosed early?
22. What is gene therapy?
23. What are the symptoms of cystic fibrosis? (see table 8-2)
24. What are the symptoms of Tay-Sachs disease (see table 8-2)
25. See Health Watch: Genetic Counseling
What kind of people may want to see a genetic counselor?
What procedures do genetic counselors perform?