Chapter 7 - Reading Worksheet Name _______________________

1. Meiosis Forms ____________________ Cells.
2. Define meiosis: _____________________________________________________________
3. Homologous chromosomes are similar in size, shape, and ___________________________
4. When portions of a chromatid are exchanged, it is called ____________________________
5. Crossing-over occurs during what phase of meiosis? _______________________________
6. During anaphase I, the homologous chromosomes ________________________________
7. During prophase II, a new _____________________ forms.
8. During anaphase II, ____________________ move to opposite poles.
9. During telophase II, the cell undergoes ____________________________________
10. Meiosis Contributes to Genetic ______________________________________
11. What three mechanisms are key to genetic variations?
12. The random distribution of homologous chromosomes is called independent _________________
13. How many gametes with different gene combinations can be formed from meiosis? _____________
14. How many different combinations are possible in the zygote? ____________________
15. The pace of evolution increases as the level of variation _______________________________
16. What is a hermaphrodite? (See "biobit", p. 146) __________________________________
17. The process by which sperm are produced: _____________________________________
18. The process by which eggs are produced: _____________________________________
19. What happens to the polar bodies that are created during egg formation? ____________________
20. What is the plural form of ovum? ____________________

Health Watch - Eggs Cells and Toxins

21. In women, egg development begins _________________________________
22. When a female is born, the immature egg cells remain paused at ________________________
23. Oogenesis is not actually complete until what event occurs? ___________________________

24. Reproduction is the process of ______________________________________________________
25. Type of reproduction that involves only one parent:__________________________
26. An individual produced by asexual reproduction is a _________________________
27. Reproduction that involves two parents is called ______________________________
28. For each of the following, identify what type of asexual reproduction is used.
a) amoeba _______________________ b) hydra _________________________________
29. What is a disadvantage of asexual reproduction? ________________________________________
30. Why do some haploid organisms (protests) become diploid? ______________________________
Exploring Further - Cloning by Parthenogenesis (page 151)
31. What is parthenogenesis? _______________________________________________
32. Under what circumstances does parthenogenesis occur in snakes? ________________________
33. What other types of organisms (besides snakes) are capable of parthenogenesis. Name 3.