Reading Assignment Name __________________________

9-2 The Structure of DNA
1. The discovery of DNA's structure was important because it determined
2. Watson and Crick determined that DNA is a molecule that is a
3. What is a nucleotide? _____________________________________
4. Nucleotides are made what three parts:
5. Label the nucleotide

6. List the four nitrogen bases:
_______________________ ______________________
_______________________ ______________________
7. The double helix is held together by weak ________________________
8. Who made the observation that in each organism, the amount of adenine equaled thymine, and the amount of guanine equaled cytosine _____________
9. X-rays showed that the DNA molecule resembled a tightly coiled _________
10. A DNA molecule has the bases: C A T T A G G G A
What is the sequence on the complimentary strand? ______________________
11. What is the base pairing rule? ____________________________________

9-3 The Replication of DNA
12. Complimentary strands of the double helix serve as __________________ for making new DNA.
13. The process of making a copy of DNA is called ______________________
14. Replication occurs just before a cell _______________________
15. DNA ___________________________ unwind the DNA
16. DNA ___________________________ moves along the DNA strand and adds nucleotides.
17. _________________ prevents most errors in DNA replications.
18. Multiple replication ____________ increase the speed of replication.

10-1 From Genes to Proteins (p 206-209)

19. Traits, such as eye color, are determined by ___________________
20. RNA stands for __________________________________________
21. Instead of thymine, RNA contains the base: ___________________
22. DNA instructions are transferred to an RNA molecule during the process of ___________________________________
23. Translation puts together the ___________________ that make up the protein.
24. ____________________ carries the instructions from the DNA to the site of translation.
25. Each ________________ along an mRNA strand corresponds to an amino acid.