Name ________________________________
1. The first part of the tadpole to grow is the:
back legs front legs tail wings
2. A midwife toad carries his eggs on his:
head tail stomach legs
3. A Surinam toad carries her eggs on her:
stomach back tail legs
4. Salamanders use ________ to move through wet mud.
fins flippers legs tentacles
5. A strawberry frog will croak in order to keep other frogs away, if this does not work, the frogs will:
run away crawl in a hole fight hang out
6. How does the toad scare away the snake?
it stands up and makes itself big it makes a loud noise
it sticks out its tongue it blinks its eyes
7. How does the Darwin frog avoid snakes?
it crawls in a hole it climbs a tree
it pretends to be a leaf it flips over and floats
8. What does a hellbender eat?
frogs snakes crayfish leaves
9. What behavior helps a frog swallow?
rolling over blinking jumping swimming
10. What toad seems to “yell” to keep other frogs away?
Darwin frog hellbender horned toad grass frog