Name:____________________________________________Date: _______

fishEyewitness Fish Print Friendly and PDF

1. What is the name of the "king of fish"? ________________________________

2. The ancient fish of 500 million years ago possessed what body part? ________

3. What is the name of the fish that was thought to be extinct? _____________________

4. How many species of fish are there? _____________

5. How many species of fish are there in South America? _______________________________

6. What speeds can a sailfish reach? _______________________________

7. Which fish can change between a saltwater and freshwater fish? _______________________________

8. Which fish could kill a person with its poison?_______________________________

9. What does the ice fish have instead of blood? _______________________________

10. How deep can some fish live? _______________________________

11. Why does a salmon have a pink color? _______________________________

12. What is the name of the fish that shoots water out of its mouth to hunt flies?

13. How many volts of electricity can the eel use to kill its prey? _______________________________

14. What is unique about the seahorse?_______________________________

15. What fish likes to play on land? ____________________________