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NOVA:  Rise of the Mammals    Print Friendly and PDF  

 (Published  10/2019)  ~53 min


___ 1. Where was the collection of mammal fossils found?

a)  Kenya, Africa                    
b)  Colorado, U.S.A.              
c)  Toronto, Canada

___ 2. The meteor that killed the dinosaurs also killed many other species.  How many estimated species  became extinct as a result of this catastrophe?    
a) 1/2     b) 2/3       c)  3/4

___ 3. Fossil hunters are trained to look for what on the surface of the ground?
a) bone                        b) footprints                 c) smooth rocks

___ 4.  Mammal fossils were found within what type of rock?  
a) quartz        b) concretions          c) clay

___ 5.  Placental mammals carry their offspring in a(n): 
a) pouch               b) egg              c) womb

___ 6.  The age of the mammal fossils was determined by comparing the rocks to what planetary events?
a) magnetic pole reversals                 b) earthquakes                        c) eclipses

___ 7.  What primitive form of life was the first to recover after the impact?
a) flowering plants                              b) microscopic worms            c) fungal spores      

___ 8.  During the recovery period after the asteroid, what happened to the insects?  Insects….
a) became less picky eaters        b) developed immunity to radiation      c) developed wings

___ 9.  Which of the following would be classified as a legume?   
a)  tulips            b) soybeans       c) corn

___ 10.  Smooth leaves indicate weather that is:   a) warmer         b) cooler

Reflection:  The NOVA team created an entire documentary about these mammal fossils.  In your own words, discuss why this discovery was so important.  (1-3 sentences)