Season 01, Episode 01 (Youtube)
1. The sun is classified as a(n):
red giant orange crush yellow dwarf
2. Fusion occurs when:
radiation is released
atoms are smashed together
dark and light matter combine
3. In the sun, hydrogen fuses to form:
neon oxygen helium
4. Sun spots on the surface of the sun can become:
solar flares nuclear reactors black holes
5. A coronal mass ejection is also known as (n):
black hole solar storm photon
6. Mars doesn’t have an atmosphere because it does not have a strong:
gravity spin magnetic field
7. Solar radiation could affect planes that:
fly over the poles have dual engines are made of aluminum
8. What would be the most likely result of a solar storm?
loss of electronics
sudden change of temperature on Earth’s surface
shift in the earth’s spin and rotation
9. What year is the next “solar maximum” expected to occur?
2011 2012 2030
10. A solar eclipse happens when the:
sun moves behind the earth
earth moves into the shadow of Mars
the moon blocks our view of the sun