Course Materials
Biology (Miller and Levine) Bee Book
Biology (Miller and Levine) Dragonfly Book
Slides: Cell Division and Cancer
Ch 11.1 & 11.2 Reading Guide | (Answer Key)
Slides: Intro to Genetics | Student Handout
Ch 12 Reading Guide | (Answer key)
Peas, Please
Simple Genetics
Skinny Pig Genetics
Vestigial Wing Flies
Genetics of Frizzle Frazzled Chicks
2 Trait Crosses - Floppy Eared Bunnies
Cow Genetics - codominance and horns
12.3 Other Patterns of Inheritance
Practice with Codominance and Incomplete Dominance
Genetics of Blood Types (Practice Set)
Multiple Allele Trait in Rabbits (2A)
Ameoba Sisters - Meiosis
Meiosis Labeling (Slides)
Meiosis Phases Graphic Organizer
Reinforcement: Meiosis
Slides: DNA Structure and Replication
Chapter 13 Reading Guide | ( Answer Key )
DNA Coloring
DNA Crossword
DNA Labeling Slides
DNA: Build It Online or DNA Model Cut and Paste
DNA Reinforcement Labeling Slides
Slides: RNA and Protein Synthesis
Slides: Using a Codon Chart
Ch 14.1 and 14.2 Reading Guide (Key, TpT)
Notes Handout: Transcription and Translation Overview
Protein Synthesis and Codons Practice
DNA Code: Secret Message
DNA, RNA and Snorks
Reinforcement: RNA and Protein Synthesis (Ch 14) | Key at TpT
Review: Transcription and Translation Graphic
DNA, Proteins and Mutations (Insulin) 2A
Investigation: DNA, Proteins, and Sickle Cell
DNA Mutation Simulation
Slides: 15.1, 15-2 Human Chromosomes and Sex Linkage
Reinforcement: Ch 15.1 and 15.2 | Key (TpT)
Karyotype Analysis - examine chromosome abnormalities
Construct a Karyotype (Tasmanian Devil)
Exploring Autosomal Dominant Traits (Pedigree)
Practice: Sex Linked Traits (Colorblindness)
Practice: Sex Linked Genes (Fruitflies and Hemophilia)
Practice: X-Linked Genes and the Calico Cat
Slides: 24.1 Introduction to Animals
Anatomy of a Chordate
Cladogram Construction: Chordates
Squid Dissection (New!)
Data Nugget: Won't You Be My Urchin
24.4 Animal Behavior
Feeding and Digestion | Respiration | Circulation | Excretion
* Student Reading and Activity Packet
Human and and Rabbit Digestive System Coloring
Human Digestive System Coloring
How Do Goldfish Survive the Winter (CER)
Investigation: Fish and Temperature
Response (Nervous System) | Movement | Reproduction | Homeostasis
Comparing a Bird and Human Skeleton
Amniote Egg Coloring
Mammals and Body Temperature (CER)
Crayfish Dissection (2 & 2A)
Crayfish Labeling
Dissection of the Squid, Internal and External
Frog Notes - additional diagrams and information
Frog Labeling - review the frog by labeling these images
Frog Dissection Coloring - color the organs of the frog
Ultimate Frog Anatomy Review - prepare for lab test
Frog Dissection Album - has labeled and unlabeled frogs
Frog Dissection Crossword - descriptions of frog anatomy
Fetal Pig Dissection Review Guide and Word List
The Ultimate Fetal Pig Dissection Review
Fetal Pig Practice Quiz
Fetal Pig Photo Gallery
Slides: 17.1 Darwin's Theory and Natural Selection
Slides: 17.4 Evidence of Evolution
Ch 17 Reading Guide (Key, TpT)
Galapagos Finches (HHMI Video)
Evolution by Natural Selection (VIDA) Elephants
Evolution of Rabbits and Wolves (VIDA)
Rock Pocket Mouse HHMI Activity
Biology (Miller and Levine) Bee Book
Biology (Miller and Levine) Dragonfly Book
Genetics (Dihybrid)
Genetics (Codominance)
Final Exam Review Guide
Final Exam Word List