Meiosis Worksheet 🦉
1. A cell with two pairs of each set of chromosomes is called a [ diploid / haploid ] cell.
These cells are typically found throughout the body tissues and are called [ germ / somatic ] cells.
2. A cell with only one of set of chromosomes is called [ diploid / haploid ] cell.
These types of cells are found in the reproductive organs and are called [ germ / somatic ] cells.
3. Sperm and egg cells are called [ gametes / zygotes ]. A fertilized egg is a [ gamete / zygote ].
4. A type of cell division that results in diploid cells: [ meiosis / mitosis ]
5. A type of cell division that results in haploid cells. [ meiosis / mitosis ]
6. When a sperm and egg combine, it is called _______________________________
7. What is the diploid number for humans? _______ What is the haploid number? _______
8. Matching chromosomes are called _____________________________________ pairs.
9. During prophase I of meiosis, these pairs form a tetrad in a process called ______________________.
10. When homologous chromosomes exchange genes, it is called: ______________________________.
11. How many daughter cells are created at the end of meiosis I? _______ meiosis II? ______
12. During meiosis, chromosomes will split into daughter cells randomly, making each gamete unique. This is
called _____________________________________________________.
13. The process by which sperm are made is called ____________________________________________.
14. The process by which eggs are made is called ______________________________________________.
15. During the creation of an oocyte, 3 additional haploid cells are created that will not be fertilized, these cells
are called ________________________________________________.
Label the Phases