Chapter 9: Nervous System
This chapter is divided into three main sections: the neuron, parts and functions of the brain, and finally the cranial nerves. This unit includes a dissection of the sheep brain and a project on brain disorders.
Extras (For Fun): Mindboggling, Perception | Optical Illusions
Part 1: Introduction to the Nervous System
Nevous System Google Slides (MS Case) | Guided Notes
Label a Neuron | Nerve Cells Coloring
Anatomy of a Synapse
Part 2: How the Brain Processes Information
Article: Phineas Gage - a curious case study in brain injury
Hemisphere Dominance Test - which side of your brain is dominant - for fun!
Concept Map: Nervous System -connect the nervous system structures
The Human Brain - 3d rendering and other views
Label the Brain (Practice Worksheet)
Review Guide: 9.11 to 9.13
Review Guide: Chapter 9 (all)
Investigation: Concussions (1A)
Quizlet: Brain (External) | Brain (Internal)
Part 3: Cranial Nerves
Slides: Part C (Cranial Nerves) | Guided Notes
Cranial Nerves Coloring - identify and color each of the cranial nerves (KEY, TpT)
Dissection of a Giraffe - video showing the vagus nerve
Review Guide: 9.13 to 9.15: Cranial Nerves
Quizlet: Cranial Nerves
Part 4: Sheep Brain Dissection
Sheep Brain Dissection (online)
Brain Dissection (External) on Youtube | Internal Anatomy
Quizlet: Sheep Brain
Brain Disorders Project
Research a brain disorder and present your research to the class